Your brain is the essential part of your body. It can help you remember things, learn new skills, and solve problems. But over time, your brain loses some of its abilities if you don’t use it to the maximum capacity.
In this post, I will tell you about the best games that are not just fun and easy to play but also enhances mental skills. Let’s go over them!
Sudoku is logic-based, making it a perfect one for the brain enhancer role. It is played in a grid. Your objective as a player is to fill the grid boxes in a way that each sub-grids of 3×3 boxes and even the row and columns contains all the numbers from 1 to 9.
The puzzle setter provides a partially completed grid; sudoku players must complete the puzzle by filling in missing cells using logical deduction based on those cells’ proximity to other clues in the puzzle’s givens.
Sudoku can be played by people of all ages and abilities, making it an excellent activity for family game night or just about any social gathering where you might have time away from your phone/laptop/tablet screen.
Also Read: Take Advantages of Playing Mind Games – Sharpen Your Memory
Chess is one of the best brain games because it requires you to think strategically, solve problems, and make decisions. With chess, your brain will be tested on its processing speed, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Here are some of the excellent benefits of playing this mind-stimulating game:
- Improves your decision-making skills: In chess, every move counts, so you have to choose each move wisely based on the current state of play. As you get better at chess, you’ll be able to see the consequences of each move before making it.
- Improves your concentration: Being good at this game requires intense focus as multiple pieces are moving at once with different rules for each piece type. This makes playing chess an excellent way for people who want to stay focused for long periods without getting bored or distracted by other thoughts in their heads.
- Improves memory skills: Playing this strategic game regularly will help develop new neural pathways in your brain. These pathways increase the brain’s ability to store information more efficiently over time. We become more familiar with concepts like how knights move across squares or how pawns capture opponents’ pieces when they reach specific spaces. So, even if we haven’t played them recently, we’ll know these things instinctively upon seeing them again further down our game board later.
Jigsaw Puzzles
You don’t need to be a super genius or have an IQ of 150 to enjoy jigsaw puzzles. They’ll even help you exercise your brain! Several studies by experts have examined the benefits of solving jigsaw puzzles. Participants in their study were shown various images and asked to determine whether they were real or fake (i.e., Photoshopped).
The researchers found that after three months of doing jigsaw puzzles for 20 minutes every day, participants’ scores on these tests had improved by 60%.
This is excellent news for people who want an easy way to exercise their brains without having to spend hours studying or exercising in some other way. You can easily set aside 20 minutes every day or weeknight after work by taking out one of your favorite jigsaws from home.
You can also easily access them online. There is a vast range of free online jig saw puzzles that will keep you hooked for days and months.
If you’re looking for a fun activity with friends and family, this is also the perfect game for everyone involved.
Everyone knows about it, but no one ever talks about it because everyone assumes everyone else knows about it too! Jigsaws are easy enough that children will enjoy them too (even if some pieces are small), which makes them perfect choices if you’re trying hard not only to make sure kids understand why they should read more often but also how important it can be
Solitaire is a game of patience, strategy, and skill. How to play this game? The objective of Solitaire is to arrange all cards from ace to king in each suit into four piles of thirteen cards each (a full deck).
However, unlike other card games where you can move a card from one pile to another or place it on top of another pile, in Solitaire, you can move cards around by jumping them over other cards. As such, it may take some time before you get a feel for how the game works and how best to go about winning it.
One thing that makes Solitaire difficult is that several variations of this classic card game are available online. These different versions have varying levels of difficulty depending on whether they allow players to jump multiple times through their “stock” piles or not.
Playing Solitaire well requires patience and strategy—a combination that can prove quite challenging when playing against yourself! Your goal will be to accumulate points based on how many cards remain in play at any given moment during gameplay. If none remain, then congratulations! You just won!
Crosswords are a fun way to exercise your brain. They can be challenging, but they’re also a great way to learn new words and expand your vocabulary.
Crossword puzzles are puzzles that use crosshatching to form words or phrases. Each puzzle contains clues for the solution set of letters that make up answers within the puzzle grid.
The puzzle grid can range from one clue to 15+ clues per answer. Crossword puzzles are usually published daily in newspapers and magazines and annually in books called yearbooks.
However, if you don’t have access to these publications, there are plenty of websites where you can find daily puzzles online too!
Card Games
Card games are a great way to exercise your brain. If you have ever tried to remember the rules of a card game, then you know how much it can test your mental abilities.
Learning to play new card games is also an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and active. Our favorite card games include poker, Uno, spades, and hearts.
These are some of the most popular and easiest-to-learn card games we’ve seen on the market today!
Scrabble is a strategic word game you play on your phone, tablet, computer, and even in real life. You can play it with friends or family, but also against strangers worldwide.
It’s important to note that Scrabble is two different things: a board game and a tile-based word game. It’s also worth noting that there are several versions of Scrabble (depending on what kind of device you’re playing on).
I hope this article has given you some ideas for games to play that will test your brain, keep it healthy and help you grow. If there are other games you think should be on the list, please let me know in the comments below!